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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Whites are Superior to Blacks: Discuss!

There are certain things that, if analyzed, will almost make you think that we have a problem as Africans. Its like the white man is more endowed in as far as intellectual capacity is concerned. Please note that i do not intend to insult anyone, but to defend the above hypothesis.

  1. Africans got colonized by whites: The African man has been colonized before and after independence. Before independence, Africans worked for the white man, struggled to learn the British, French language, even adopt foreign culture at the expense of their own. We were made to feel inferior to the Whites. They settled on our land, and established a quasi apartheid state. After independence, we are waiting for donor funds from them to push our projects, but with sanctions (IMF).
  2. Africans cannot stand for justice: When Kisa Bisigye was being harassed by Museveni in Uganda, just the other day, we behaved as if that was not our problem. We (Kibaki) even wen't and gave Museveni a pat on his back for winning the presidency. It took France to throw out Laurent Gbagbo. ECOWAS was still divided on how to go about resolving a clearly rigged election in Cote d Ivoire. And the AU could not mediate the Kenyan case in 2007, it took a former UN head. We have Zimbabwe envoys in the country, despite Mugabe's human rights record.
  3. Africans would rather vote their tribesman: Tribalism is one reason why i think we are just monkeys. Even when a leader has been associated with human rights atrocities, has no record of integrity, and has no vision for the country, Africans will ignore all that on the basis that he is their tribesman.
  4. Educated Fools: Its only in Africa, where we have Chief Justices, Attorney Generals, Proffesors, Doctors, the academic cream of the society, doing all the wrong things despite their education. The whole essence of being educated gets lost when you look at the legal systems in African states, that protect the incumbent.
  5. Gap between the rich and poor: In-equality is a sign of poor leadership. It therefore tells us how inferior we are as Africans. The white man has created an atmosphere of equality in his country. So that a bus driver earns enough to take him on holiday, and buy him a house. In African societies, we look down upon each other, as if the person who is jobless is less deserving than you.
  6. Innovation: It would appear the Afrian man cannot invent anything. We even import spoons from China. We cannot even make mere toys for our children. We are an import economy. When will we launch a vessel to outer space? When shall we have a Bill Gates, or someone do Facebook, Twitter? Why are we not able to innovate?
  7. The White Mans God is Superior: Why is the white mans God more superior to whichever God that we had? Did we have to import even a God from them? Goddamn!!! Anyway, its a sign of inferiority. When you say you do not believe in Jesus, everyone looks at you as if its the worst thing in the world. Yet their great grand parents did not know who Jesus was.
It is my proposition that Africans are a cursed people.

Courtesy of @harrisonmumia


  1. Good Points.... *bows down in shame*.

    You should have talked of 'selfishness'...that blankets everything..
    We are a me-me-me- society as a whole

  2. The last time I tried to have this discussion I was insulted and told that I'm trying to be superior. But it's something I always thought about in terms of trying to figure out what our problems are. We have to find the root cause before we can fix it.

    As someone asked, when they came to colonize us, why did they have guns and we only had spears?

  3. for shames i tell ya', for shames!!for shames i tell ya', for shames!!
